Fy meiau sydd heb rif

(Mercher y Lludw)
  Fy meiau sydd heb rif,
    Ac mae fy maich yn drwm,
  Oll yn fy ngwasgu lawr,
    Fel mynydd mawr o blwm:
Ar Ddwyfol Iawn mae 'mhwys
      a'm ffydd,
Y caf fi dd'od ryw awr yn rhydd.

  Cyfiawnder addfwyn Oen,
    Diferion marwol glwy',
  Sydd yng nghlorianau'r nef,
    Yn pwyso mwy na mwy:
Mae'r fainc yn rhydd, os pleidia f'hedd,
Caf weled cariad yn dy wedd.

  Ac os ei gariad ddaw
    I'm cwrdd i, ffiaidd ddyn:
  Wel, dyma'r unig awr
    Ffieiddiaf fi fy hun;
Gwel'd gras y nef
      yn afon waed,
Yn golchi'r aflan brwnta' gaed.

  Pan ddelo'r hyfryd ddydd
    I mi gael gwel'd ei wedd,
  Ac yfed ffrydiau pur
     O'i annherfynol hedd,
'Mhlith lluoedd maith
       cwmpeini'r nen,
Mi gana i'r cariad
       fu ar y pren.
Cas. o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: 666688]

gwelir: O nefol addfwyn Oen

(Ash Wednesday)
  My faults which are without number,
    And my burden is heavy,
  Are all pressing me down,
    Like a great mountain of lead:
On the divine Atonement I am leaning,
      and is my faith,
That I may come free some hour.

  The righteousness of the gentle Lamb,
    The drops of a mortal wound,
  Are in the scales of heaven,
    Weighing more than more:
The throne is free, if thou plead my peace,
I shall get to see love in thy countenance.

  And if his love come
    To meet me, a detestable man:
  See, this is the only hour
    I shall detest myself;
Seeing the grace of heaven
      as a river of blood,
Washing the unclean filthiest there is.

  Whenever the delightful day should come
    For me to get to see his countenance,
  And drink pure streams
    From his boundless peace,
Amongst the vast hosts
      of the company of the sky,
I shall sing to the love
      that was on the tree.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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